

  • “Emily was extremely helpful in shifting my perspective to understand my anxiety better. She offered various tools such as meditation techniques, breath work, and advice that lead to an overall improvement around my mental health.”


  • “I really valued her ability to connect with me and make me feel comfortable working with a therapist.  It can be difficult to open up to strangers about my toughest troubles in life.  She instantly was able to diffuse any uncertainty I had, and I felt like our conversations were a safe space to open up.”


  • “Emily is extremely compassionate and great to work with. Her ability to actively listen and challenge her clients in a positive way has helped me improve my anxiety significantly.”


Forest Therapy

  • “This was a wonderful way of checking in and dropping into the body. My senses feel awakened and my mind calmer.”


  • “An incredible experience, challenging to put into words. Healing and transforming. Being held in the energy of these majestic trees is something I hope for all to experience.”


  • “I was looking for a space to slow down internally. The physical space completely allowed me to do that and Emily, as the guide, helped me stay present. I feel lighter. My mind is more clear, but I also feel like my body isn’t as achy as when I started the day.”


  • “It provides the benefits of a full weekend of camping in a fraction of the time!”
